Time out or Tap out
Pausing or cancelling your subscription
Pausing your subscription
If you need to pause your account, fill in our Freeze Form online. Please note there is a 15-day notice period for pausing your account. The only exceptions to the 15-day notice period are in cases of injury or illness. If the injury happened during training with us and we are aware of it, we’ve got your back: your notice period will be waived. Otherwise, we will waive the 15-day notice period with a doctor’s certification.
We understand that sometimes you may want to support the Academy even while you’re unable to train. You now have the option to gift your training time to a non-member. If you choose this, simply nominate the person in the Freeze Form, and they’ll have the opportunity to train in your place.
Please be aware that as a small business, our operations wholly rely on subscription payments. During holiday periods, our financial stability can be significantly impacted by multiple accounts being paused. We are grateful to the many members who continue their support by maintaining their subscriptions during these times.